01458 250735

Office: 08:45 - 3:30

Monday to Friday

Christian community

warm and welcoming

Our School is an inclusive,

Believing Together

Discovering, Learning

Believing Together

Discovering, Learning

Believing Together

Discovering, Learning


We are keen to work with parents and carers to provide the best learning experiences for your children. If you have any questions/queries/concerns, please do get in touch. We are happy to help.

Link to ways to get in touch

Current Vacancies:  We are looking to recruit two enthusiastic and adaptable Midday Supervisory Assistants (MDSA) to join our dedicated team. Please follow the link to our vacancies page for further details.

Welcome to High Ham

High Ham Church of England Primary School is first and foremost a school where children are happy, confident and enthusiastic learners. Consistently high standards are expected and achieved. Our Christian ethos is underpinned by the mission statement ‘Discovering, Learning, Believing Together’.

Mrs Ann Edwards


Inspection 2022

We have 6 classes on a stunning rural site with 152 pupils from Reception to Year 6. We are rated as consistently ‘Good’ by OfstedPupils are proud to attend High Ham Primary School. They thrive and feel safe in the caring and nurturing atmosphere.

SIAMS Inspection:  Our Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) took place in September 2024. We are very proud of our report and you are able to read it in full by following the link to our Church page.

“High Ham is a school with Christian love at its core. Lives are transformed by the work of this school.”


We welcome applications throughout the year via an online application form. In Reception, children start school at the beginning of the academic year they turn five (New Starter Information).

In addition we offer wraparound care from 7.30am until 5pm each school day and also have an onsite preschool, run by a third party. Children start school at the start of the academic year when they turn five.

Daily Virtual Noticeboard

" Discovering, Learning, Believing Together "

Our Documents

To the right you will find some important documents relating to school life at High Ham Primary School…

Data Protection Policy

Outlines how we protect all our personal data and meet the requirements of GDPR.

Values and Ethos

Find out all you need to know about our school