The Governing Body at High Ham is made up of ten individual governors each bringing different perspectives. Our full board includes parents (2), staff (2), Somerset Council (1) and the Diocese of Bath and Wells (2). We can also co-opt up to three people from the wider community and benefit from their particular skills and experience. By working together, we aim to:
- Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction for our school
- Hold the Headteacher and senior leaders at the school to account for wellbeing, learning and performance of our children and staff
- Oversee the financial performance of the school, making sure its money is well spent
Please contact the school office ( 01458250735) for more details about the work of the Governing Body, including the minutes of past meetings.
What do we do?
Our team of Governors is involved in all aspects of school life at High Ham. Each year we help to create the School Improvement Plan, review and approve a number of important school policies, set and monitor the annual budget and ensure our legal responsibilities are met for the wellbeing of the staff team, pupils, finances and premises.
How often do they meet?
The Governing Body meets regularly throughout the school year including meetings of various working groups and committees. This includes the Business Team and Business Team (Pay) Committees.
2022 and 2023 attendance list.
2021 and 2022 attendance list.
Who are they?
Our Governance Board contains a variety of Governors. Current list.