01458 250735

Office: 08:45 - 3:30

Monday to Friday


This week we had a Key Stage 2 assembly on becoming Internet Legends. This was led by Parent Zone (Google). The children were taken through different questions to encourage them to consider how they can use the internet safely.
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A big thank you for all the chocolate donations ready for our Easter Bingo. Your support is very much appreciated!
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Congratulations on being awarded a certificate and rosette for a ‘rising trot’. It was great to hear what you have to do and you explained it brilliantly to the whole school! Well done.
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Many congratulations on winning a bronze and silver medal at a swimming gala over the weekend. Fabulous news that you have also qualified for two events at County level! Well done.
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Many congratulations on achieving your yellow belt in Kick Boxing! It was lovely to hear about how disciplined you need to be in this sport.
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Congratulations to these children who all were awarded a medal following a rugby match. A massive well done also to one of these sporting stars who won the team player of the match. It is always lovely to hear of sporting achievements outside of school.
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Congratulations to these children who were all chosen as the Stars of the Week.
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The school is fully open today (Friday 8th December). I look forward to welcoming everyone back.
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All parents and carers have been sent an email regarding school closure tomorrow (Thursday 7th December).
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School is open and main access roads are clear. Thank you for your understanding yesterday.
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