At High Ham Primary School, we offer an engaging and inclusive curriculum, which builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding of all children. The aim of our curriculum is to ensure we provide thought-provoking, hands on experiences that are contextual to our school and will equip our pupils for today, as well as tomorrow. Our curriculum includes creative, inspiring and stimulating activities that allow children to aspire to be life long learners. This is underpinned by our growth mindset philosophy and school ethos of ‘Discovering, Learning, Believing Together’. Our curriculum reflects the needs of all children who enter our school and we strive to support children in achieving their potential and exploring their curiosity.
At High Ham Primary School, our curriculum leaders have planned inclusive lessons to ensure children learn transferable skills and knowledge for their future learning which also develop an interest and curiosity in their own learning.
Our school is dedicated to providing clear subject knowledge and to using meaningful assessment in order to progress learning through thoughtfully planned sequences of lessons.
Through our development of a broad curriculum, we strive to develop the skills and knowledge of children, whilst fuelling their aspirations for future learning.
School Context
Statutory considerations
The National Curriculum states that we are ‘legally required to follow the statutory national curriculum, which sets out in programmes of study and subject content for those subjects that should be taught to all pupils’ (National Curriculum, 2014: pg. 5). Therefore, our curriculum has been structured to take account of this requirement whilst also making the curriculum relevant for our school context.
The foundations
We have based our curriculum using the National Curriculum, 2014. Our RE Curriculum is based on the ‘Understanding Christianity’ resources, which has been recommended by the Diocese of Wells. This has been chosen to support our school ethos and researched by our SIAMS committee. It offers a broad and in-depth approach to teaching Christianity, alongside the study of different religions from the AMV teaching scheme. Each year is planned carefully to ensure curriculum coverage whilst being adaptable to the needs of the class, particularly in mixed classes.
Providing additional learning activities
As well as broad and engaging curriculum, our school provides opportunities for children to explore and extend additional learning through a wide range of activities:
- A varied collective worship programme, which includes guest speakers, members of our church community for ‘Respond and Reflect’ sessions, rewards and worship through song
- A wide range of after school clubs
- Participation encouraged in the wide range of CLP Sporting events and taster sessions at Huish Academy
- Encouraged participation in activities that will develop links within the school and the wider community, such as working with the Dementia Alliance Society at the village hall, Remembrance Services and Carol Services
- Performances, including our Christmas production and CLP Music events
- Taking part in Poetry Competitions and taking part in the ‘poetry slam’ at Dillington House (2019)
- Opportunities to develop a student voice, such as the School Council, Digital Leaders and House Captains
- Residential overnight trip for Year 6
- Visits to sites further afield, such as Bristol Museum, Theatre and Fleet Air Arm Museum
- Opportunities to explore our local area
Developing our curriculum
High Ham Primary School has worked hard to develop and implement a creative and well-balanced curriculum. The teachers and staff maintain and implement this curriculum to ensure fundamental concepts and skills have been taught. We strive to ensure that intent, implementation and impact is at the heart of our planning.