01458 250735

Office: 08:45 - 3:30

Monday to Friday


Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)

Essential Information:

Sex education at High Ham is not compulsory. Relationships, Health education is mandatory.
Our policy which refers to the schemes of work we use has been written in consultation with all stakeholders.
Our RSHE policy and associated appendices can be found on the policy/documents page of the website. 

Background Information:

As a church school we are part of the Bath and Wells Diocese who have supported our school with how to implement RSHE and to ensure it aligns with our church school ethos.

There is government guidance as well as Church of England and we make use of a range of resources including the ones promoted by the Bath and Wells Diocese (Goodness and Mercy) which has primarily been written for Church of England schools.

Scheme of Work:

We have used the ‘Goodness and Mercy’ knowledge organisers and activity plans to plan our rolling programme which is included in the policy appendices. We use a number of resources to support this programme including the Kapow resources around conception, pregnancy and birth.

Curriculum Overview:
We are keen for pupils to understand the spiritual and moral aspects of healthy, loving and nurturing relationships within a context of a Christian vision for the purpose of life. Our overview of the curriculum explains our intent, implementation and impact for this important areas of learning.