Calendar: Click on events to find out more. Please check back regularly for the latest updates.
Annual Dates: These can be found on the School Terms and Holiday Dates tab. INSET days can also be found here.
PTA Cake Sale
Donations most welcome. Home made cakes require a listof ingredients please.
World Book Day
WBD book swap/sale, preloved uniform sale (alongside Eco Council Jumble Sale)
PTA -Someone Special Shop (Mothering Sunday)
There will be a shop in school for children to purchase a gift, should they wish.
PTA Tuck Shop
PTA tuck shop.
PTA Film Night
FIlm Night - details to follow.
PTA Sponsored Colour Run
Sponsored Colour Run - more details to follow.
PTA Mufti Day
Mufti Day (for tombola/ raffle donations)
PTA Summer Fete
PTA Summer Fete. More details to follow. If you are able to help please let the school office or a member of the PTA know.
PTA Summer Disco
School Disco. More information to follow.