01458 250735

Office: 08:45 - 3:30

Monday to Friday


Our school’s Desig​nated Safeguarding Officers are:

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Ann Edwards
Deputy Safeguarding Lead:
Tom Briggs
Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Joanne Stewart
Safeguarding Governor: Sally Roy

If you have a Safeguarding concern regarding a child at our school, please phone 01458 250735 and ask to speak to one of our Safeguarding Leads​

If you are concerned that a child is in danger you should report this immediately to:

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

We use Zones of Regulation across the school to help support emotional regulation for all our pupils. For those pupils who require extra support with their Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) the school has a graduated response. Firstly, the class teacher will work with the parent/carer and pupil to try and understand and support their anxieties and set up work/activities for them to do. If required we have ELSA support available and a referral can be made to access this. Parents/carers can also be supported to complete referrals to Young Somerset.   You can contact the School Nursing Team for further advice and support – Chat Health Poster

Stop.pngPrevent Strategy

What is Prevent?

The aim of Prevent is to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. Prevent also extends to supporting the rehabilitation and disengagement of those already involved in terrorism.

The Prevent duty requires specified authorities such as education, to help prevent the risk of people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. It sits alongside long-established safeguarding duties on professionals to protect people from a range of other harms, such as substance abuse, involvement in gangs, and physical and sexual exploitation. The duty helps to ensure that people who are susceptible to radicalisation are supported as they would be under safeguarding processes.

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Somerset Online Safety Link

Our school works hard to promote and deliver Online Safety teaching and learning to our pupils through discrete teaching. Online Safety is an important aspect of safeguarding and it is important to be aware of ways to ensure online safety at home, as well as school which is reflected in our Online Safety Policy. We currently have our ‘360 Degree Safe’ accreditation and our Digital Leaders meet weekly to plan different ways to share information and contribute towards planning and policy updates.

360 Certificate.JPG

Safeguarding Documents