SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) – Miss Mel Peach
Our SENCo is the school teacher who is responsible for assessing planning and monitoring the progress of children with special educational needs. Miss Peach can be contacted through the main school email box or the SENCo email: or
Local Offer
Local services offer for Somerset.
There is a Somerset Parent Carer Forum website which has a lot of information on there that you may find useful. You might like to have a look at what they do and become more involved.
SEN Documents:
Below is a brief summary of our provision, for more detailed information please have a look at the ‘Information Report’.
School Lead: Mel Peach Governor Lead: Sally Roy
High Ham Church of England Primary School is an Inclusive, Dyslexia Friendly School, (Awarded 2018). We value the contributions of all to our school community and we strive to be completely inclusive in all that we offer. We fully appreciate the importance of mental health and wellbeing to successful learning and ensure that we consider this crucial aspect in all our learning experiences. A dedicated team of TAs, support children’s learning, both inside and outside of the classroom. We place huge value on our partnership with parents, appreciating the important role that they play in their child’s education. We welcome an open dialogue, with our joint aim being to achieve the best possible outcomes for the child/children.
The Graduated Response:
At High Ham we follow and use a graduated response.
Examples of the levels of SEN provision within our graduated response and a more detailed overview below the diagram.
Quality First Teaching is a style of teaching that emphasises high quality, inclusive teaching for all pupils in a class. QFT includes differentiated learning, strategies to support SEN pupils’ learning in class, on-going formative assessment and many others. Teachers constantly assess children through formal and informal classroom practice and will be able to identify any children in need of ‘catch-up’.
When assessments indicate that a child would benefit from intervention, group work is used, to close or reduce the gap between the child and age-related expectations. Parent/carers will be consulted at this point and the child may be placed on the Monitoring Register.
If, after review, the child has not made the expected progress and needs further, more specific, intervention, then a 1:1 intervention may be delivered. The child may be placed on the SEN Support Register. Outside agencies may be consulted for additional support if appropriate.
Some children and young people may need more support and may need to have an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment so that the local authority can decide whether it is necessary for it to provide support by using an EHC plan or EHCP.
Monitoring and Review:
All intervention work is evaluated using the Assess, Plan, Do Review cycle. Records are kept by class teachers on our central record system. APDR cycles are monitored and the effectiveness of the interventions is scrutinised by the SENCo and SMT as part of our termly, formal Pupil Progress Meetings.
All children on the SEN Support Register will have an individual termly parent review meeting with the class teacher, when progress and any new or recurring issues can be discussed. All at the review meeting, including the child where appropriate, will agree termly targets. We strongly encourage pupil voice.