We are very fortunate to be supported by an active PTA who organise a variety of events throughout the year. Details of events can be found on the website calendar (a link to this is on the home page of the website) and further information can be accessed by the PTA twitter feed @HighHamPTA.
The money raised supports different projects in school such as: updating ICT equipment; purchasing whiteboard tables; outdoor equipment as well as organising special treats for the children.
Everyone is automatically a member of the PTA when their child joins our school so please do get involved. If you would like more information the please get in touch with any member of the committee.
2023/2024 Academic Year
Read more information about us on our latest flyer
PTA Members:
Chair: Tracy Robinson
Vice Chair: Jasmine Morris
Secretary: Chanel Lumber
Treasurer: Rachel Tutton
Class Representatives:
Ash – Charlotte Read and Kate Legg
Cedar – Vacancy (Tracy Robinson currently covering admin)
Elm – Tracy Robinson and Vacancy
Maple – Charlotte Bean and Nicol Parker-Binns
Oak – Nicol Parker-Binns and Vacancy
Willow – Charlotte Bean and Vacancy
How to be involved:
Please follow us on Twitter: #PTAHighHam
Contact details: highhampta@gmail.com
We also have parent PTA What’s App groups which the PTA have set up to help keep you updated about their fundraising events as a place to co-ordinate help and volunteers for events. If you would like to join your class group, please email the PTA. NB: These groups are just for PTA event information, any other queries/questions about school matters need to be directed to the school via the class teacher or school office.
Pre Loved School Uniform:
We have a list of all the pre loved uniform which is available. If you would some, please contact your class rep.