01458 250735

Office: 08:45 - 3:30

Monday to Friday


Calendar: Click on events to find out more. Please check back regularly for the latest updates.

Annual Dates: These can be found on the School Terms and Holiday Dates tab. INSET days can also be found here.

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Information Session for Parents, Carers and School Staff

Online Safety & Social Media with Amy Brittan, SC Education Technology Advisor Date: Monday, 18th March 2024 Time: Starting at 6pm with an estimated end time of 7:30pm Venue: Room H1, Huish Sixth building, Huish Episcopi Academy, Langport, TA10 9SS New technologies inspire children to be creative, communicate and learn. But with the digital world changing all the time, how 

Information Session for Parents, Carers and School Staff

Behaviour Management Techniques with Family Solutions Somerset Date: Monday, 15th January 2024 Changed to 25th March 2024 Time: Starting at 6pm with an estimated end time of 7:30pm Venue: Room H1, Huish Sixth building, Huish Episcopi Academy, Langport, TA10 9SS A whistle stop tour of some parenting techniques and strategies to use with your children aged 2-18. We will be 

Easter Service

Our Easter Service will take place on Wednesday afternoon, 27th March at 2.30pm at St Andrew's Church. Children will return to their classes after the service and can be collected from there. Please wait in the church until the children have all left the church grounds, so that they can walk back to school safely in their pairs without distractions. 

INSET Day: School Closed

School is closed to all pupils for a teacher training and professional development day.